> About Us


At Travsplan, we’re passionate about transforming your travel dreams into unforgettable adventures. Our journey began with a simple yet powerful vision: to make travel accessible, seamless, and enchanting for everyone. As avid explorers ourselves, we understand the magic of discovering new destinations, cultures, and experiences.

Who are We?

We are a team of travel enthusiasts, adventurers, and technology aficionados, united by our love for wanderlust. With a collective experience spanning decades in the travel industry, our experts are well-equipped to curate exceptional travel experiences tailored to your preferences.

Our Vision

Our vision for our travel agency is to redefine the way people explore the world. We aspire to be the catalyst for unforgettable journeys that transcend the ordinary, enriching lives and fostering a deeper understanding of cultures and landscapes. Through innovation, personalized service, and a commitment to sustainability, we aim to create transformative travel experiences that leave a positive impact on both travelers and the destinations they visit.



What do we Do?

At Travsplan, we specialize in crafting personalized travel itineraries that cater to your unique interests and desires. Whether you seek adrenaline-pumping escapades, cultural immersions, or relaxing getaways, our team of dedicated travel experts meticulously plan each detail to ensure a smooth and unforgettable journey.

OUR Mission

We’re on a mission to transform your travel experiences. Our goal is to ignite inspiration and empower travelers to embark on transformative journeys that expand horizons, forge deep connections, and forge lasting memories. As a company, we are dedicated to advocating sustainable and responsible travel, showing respect for the environment and the communities we encounter along the way.



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ARON WISHLEY Founder & Director

NIMA SEDAN Chief Executive Officer

JOHN FALMI Head Manager